I was planning on
writing a bitch post where all i do is bitch about how
i'm not drinking and how
i'm hitting one of the bummer points,
feelin down, empty, mainly bored. But fuck all that (get it butt fuck?) well yeah fuck all that emotions are for your stomach so
i'll just
Carta Blanca was the very first beer i ever had,
i'de go to
Mexico every summer to work on the farm, here was where i first had a sip of beer round 7 or 8 years old, of course i didn't like it but still had some more sips to quench the thirst as we drove out to the field, i was with the men, my father his brothers my cousins the tractor and the horses, so of course i wanted to be like the big boys and drink some of this thing they call beer...forward a few years then go back to just a few minutes ago. Not able to sleep and wanting a post late night talk show cigarette, i put my clothes back on (the home in your underwear thing don't work out too great in the hood) so i head out to the am/pm for some late night snacks. as
i'm, walking down the bridge i see a broken bottle of
carta blanca and a corona bottle (32 oz. of course) this whole time as
i'm walking it's just me being down and getting down on myself, no
blowjob kinda shit but just down on myself. as
i'm walking i see the beers (i wouldn't doubt it if those two beers were drank/drunk by one of the guys in the gang) anyhow that put a smile on my face and i began to
reminisce about all the booze in my life the great times bad times and fuck ups, funny i know, more like stupid but hey we're all a little stupid i wouldn't have this
fuckin thing if i wasn't stupid and there wouldn't be need for this thing if there weren't plenty others just as stupid. so
i'm walkin still a little down when a fucking flying cockroach flies on my shoulder, i look over and there it is! i try to shake it off but it just scurries down my sweater onto my pants i kick some more and finally get it off even more pissed than i was before, as i saw it run off i couldn't help but laugh at myself and the situation, so i smash the roach laugh it off and continue, you see i think that roach did me a favor it bugged the fuck out of me just to cheer me up at how
ridiculous it was, i was outdoors damn it a fucking wild roach walked on me as if he was
jimminey cricket or
somethin. so as i smashed that roach i smashed my bad vibes with it. it's been 3
mondays since
i've been sober,
i've done the bar thing, the party thing, the backyard show thing and well sorry to say it but social
nightime places are fucked when sober, and isn't that fucked? why should one need to be under the influence of some sort of thing to have a good time and let loose
i'm sure not everyone needs booze or pills or blunts to enjoy themselves but right now this one does. oh well,
i'm a social drinker i hardly drink alone so whatever.
i've already admitted at AA i was an alcoholic thus making me able to flip flop and deny it again. so going out hasn't been too bad friends forget sometimes and offer me beer but it's all gravy baby, we'll keep the fight and have our goblets of whiskey and the finest ales together soon! as i walked back someone had put the beer on the sidewalk rather than on the street which i found odd as the other bottle laid where it was before. i haven't gone to a strip club sober so for the sake of this blog and my lack there of interesting posts (we had all this shit planned out over some booze, never make drunk talk plans and think they're gonna happen just a tip) but
i'll work on it we'll see how that strip club thing goes it's my first time to one!
thank you for reading a post that went absolutely nowhere.
*carta blanca used to make bottles similar to the redstripe bottles but with a bottle opener on the bottom so you use one to open the other. they no longer make these bottles as my father would bring them from tj when we would go and no longer does, so if you know where i could get such a bottle let a brotha know september 10th is only days away.
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