have been a sober blur. went to two bars, had sober band practice, played in costa mesa sober, and am now going to a family party where i will be bombarded by questions regarding my new ankle accessory. wish i could be buzzed for this one.
updates later, not in the mood.
old shit i know, i'm usually 2 years behind on the trends...
The Truth About SCRAM
Lindsay Lohan wearing a large ankle alcohol monitoring bracelet in Beverly Hills as she heads to her hairdresser July 17, 2007.
Madison/X17online.com CelebNews@Usmagazine.com! - The Truth About SCRAM ShareThisLindsay Lohan proudly wore her post-rehab accessory, a SCRAM alcohol monitoring ankle bracelet, as a sober statement to the world that she had changed. Turns out, that announcement may have been a bit premature.
"Throughout this period, I have received timely and accurate reports from the testing companies," Lohan's lawyer, Blair Berk, said in a statement after her client was arrested Tuesday morning for DUI, possession of cocaine and driving with a suspended license. "Unfortunately, late yesterday I was informed that Lindsay had relapsed. The bracelet has now been removed."
So what is this SCRAM - Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor - ankle bracelet, and how does it work? Usmagazine.com answers your burning questions!
How does the SCRAM collect information?
The ankle bracelet checks the sweat of its wearer for alcohol once an hour, and stores the data. The ankle bracelet is assigned an external modem, and the wearer arranges to be within 30 feet of the modem once a day to transmit the information to a monitoring company. If the wearer misses the daily check in, tries to tamper with the device by cutting it off or drinks alcohol, a "violation" is issued, and her probation officer (if SCRAM was mandated by court), or lawyer would learn when they receive their daily report from the monitoring company.
Could the bracelet have stopped her from drinking?
There are no sirens or whistles. If the bracelet detects alcohol, it automatically starts checking sweat every 30 minutes instead of every hour to make sure it has a more complete data set for the judge, and tries to find its home modem to transmit the data as its happening.
Could Lohan have just been wearing the bracelet for show, and not have it hooked up?
"That's not possible," says Kathleen Brown, spokesperson for Alcohol Monitoring Systems, which manufactures SCRAM. "The service provider installs the bracelet, and would never install a bracelet that was just for show. The bracelets are always monitored."
Lohan was arrested with cocaine in her possession. Would the SCRAM have alerted monitors if she was taking drugs?
No, Brown tells Us the SCRAM tests only for alcohol consumption, not for use of narcotics or other illegal substances.
Why would anyone wear one of these bracelets voluntarily?
"Brownie points," says DUI lawyer Darren Kavinoky. "[It's] the best way she can prove she is trying to change. The court doesn't have to take her word for it. They have scientific proof." Of course, now that circumstances have changed, Lohan and her attorneys are under no obligation to share the updates with the court, Kavinoky tells Us.