Monday, November 2, 2009

it's my birthday and i'll cry if i want to.

Friday, October 30, 2009

beaches beach

guys should not be bitches, women should not be bitches for that matter either. but act like a bitch and you will be treated like one, so don't do it.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

bamn bitches!

***WHITE BLUFFS Vintage Shop's***
KIDS PARTY FROM 12:00am-4:00pm
Performers:David Scott Stone, Bobby Sandoval and The East L.A. Kids, De Hombres, 1050 Lies, La Ghost, Gossip Tree, My Beretta, Moondog Orchestra, AM, plus more TBA!
DeeJays: BZA, CHRISTO, FREDDIE, JIM SMITH (from the smell), JESSEE, EL ESTEEB and more!
WHITE BLUFFS3609 E. 1st St.Los Angeles, CA 90063

Monday, October 26, 2009

White Bluffs

I opened a store.

3609 east 1st street Los Angeles, CA 90063

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

liquor smellin' like breath

is that how you spell breath or is it breathe? well either way that swig of whiskey in the morning after a night of whiskey sure helped my nerves as i went off to my business meeting to pick up the lease for the store I'm opening. i wake up take a shot and head down to Polo's for a cig and some morning bowls. we walked to 3609 1st street and i waved at Doña Marta from across the street. we arrive to our new space (Jesse said it's gonna be like the store in milk) to get the lease and go through it with the land lady. this whole time i can't really believe for one that someone would approve me for a damn lease! (have you seen my cedit score?) well as we're going through the motions I'm pretty composed and put together, but hey the lady knew i was drunk/hungover cause i probably smelled like a brewery. It's not not too bad though, when people have low expectations of you the gate is a little easier to jump over and once you're in, well boy you'd better stay in. At least Doña Marta knows a little of what she's getting into and who she's renting to, so that won't be a surprise. we walked home, the shoppe is just a stones throw away anyhow! smoked some celebratory bowls and i stumbled back home and fell asleep. After i woke up and sobered up yes i still was a small business owner, correction entrepreneur.
well, a drunk one but one none the less.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So...I drink again.

well the 60 days of sobriety, correction 61 days of sobriety have been done and done. nowadays i find myself in situations where i'm able to drink. i have a new perspective on alcoholic consumption. i lost alot of weight, the pain in the gulliver is gone and i didn't have them nights you seem to forget. i drink now and have had my drunk nights, i woke up painted red face looking like the fellas at wounded knee, woke up in the backseat of a car in sylmar with the door open, hangovers and of course the good old blues that come with the whiskey, despite having my ragers already with in 2 days (and will probably run into some more down the line.) i think i'm doing a little better of course i can't get back to the 5 year pace of drinking i had but maybe it's time to change my habits. one thing habits get made in 15-21 days, during the 61 days i was a habitual pot smoker, i was habitually smoking that mutha fucken krypto-chronic-kush, habitually. (right shtieven, habitually.) so now i tend to smoke more than i drink. good or bad thing? we'll find out as the days go on so far it's a tight race. alex said the heavy 5 years of drink have been flushed out but now it's my choice to bring back old belly or maybe try something new, we'll see how this bobby does. things i don't miss about drinking: stomach pains and that fucking depression that likes to creep up in there. it's only been 12 days since i was dry and now that i'm all wet, i'll let you read about it.
through this blog you'll be able to read the weeks stories whether they be one sentence or a 900 word ramble stay tuned fuck twitter i don't even have a cell phone well i mean i have a phone i use my fathers but he doesn't have a smart phone. is that questioning my fathers intelect? and if it does question his intelect then in turn it'll reflect mine. in other words i fuck up alot i mean i fuck up alot. i'm working on it so we'll see how it goes.
booze used to be the best part, let's see if it still is.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

in less than twelve hours

It's not that i want to Drink, i just want the Choice to drink.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Carta Blanca

I was planning on writing a bitch post where all i do is bitch about how i'm not drinking and how i'm hitting one of the bummer points, feelin down, empty, mainly bored. But fuck all that (get it butt fuck?) well yeah fuck all that emotions are for your stomach so i'll just reminisce. Carta Blanca was the very first beer i ever had, i'de go to Mexico every summer to work on the farm, here was where i first had a sip of beer round 7 or 8 years old, of course i didn't like it but still had some more sips to quench the thirst as we drove out to the field, i was with the men, my father his brothers my cousins the tractor and the horses, so of course i wanted to be like the big boys and drink some of this thing they call beer...forward a few years then go back to just a few minutes ago. Not able to sleep and wanting a post late night talk show cigarette, i put my clothes back on (the home in your underwear thing don't work out too great in the hood) so i head out to the am/pm for some late night snacks. as i'm, walking down the bridge i see a broken bottle of carta blanca and a corona bottle (32 oz. of course) this whole time as i'm walking it's just me being down and getting down on myself, no blowjob kinda shit but just down on myself. as i'm walking i see the beers (i wouldn't doubt it if those two beers were drank/drunk by one of the guys in the gang) anyhow that put a smile on my face and i began to reminisce about all the booze in my life the great times bad times and fuck ups, funny i know, more like stupid but hey we're all a little stupid i wouldn't have this fuckin thing if i wasn't stupid and there wouldn't be need for this thing if there weren't plenty others just as stupid. so i'm walkin still a little down when a fucking flying cockroach flies on my shoulder, i look over and there it is! i try to shake it off but it just scurries down my sweater onto my pants i kick some more and finally get it off even more pissed than i was before, as i saw it run off i couldn't help but laugh at myself and the situation, so i smash the roach laugh it off and continue, you see i think that roach did me a favor it bugged the fuck out of me just to cheer me up at how ridiculous it was, i was outdoors damn it a fucking wild roach walked on me as if he was jimminey cricket or somethin. so as i smashed that roach i smashed my bad vibes with it. it's been 3 mondays since i've been sober, i've done the bar thing, the party thing, the backyard show thing and well sorry to say it but social nightime places are fucked when sober, and isn't that fucked? why should one need to be under the influence of some sort of thing to have a good time and let loose i'm sure not everyone needs booze or pills or blunts to enjoy themselves but right now this one does. oh well, i'm a social drinker i hardly drink alone so whatever. i've already admitted at AA i was an alcoholic thus making me able to flip flop and deny it again. so going out hasn't been too bad friends forget sometimes and offer me beer but it's all gravy baby, we'll keep the fight and have our goblets of whiskey and the finest ales together soon! as i walked back someone had put the beer on the sidewalk rather than on the street which i found odd as the other bottle laid where it was before. i haven't gone to a strip club sober so for the sake of this blog and my lack there of interesting posts (we had all this shit planned out over some booze, never make drunk talk plans and think they're gonna happen just a tip) but i'll work on it we'll see how that strip club thing goes it's my first time to one!
thank you for reading a post that went absolutely nowhere.

*carta blanca used to make bottles similar to the redstripe bottles but with a bottle opener on the bottom so you use one to open the other. they no longer make these bottles as my father would bring them from tj when we would go and no longer does, so if you know where i could get such a bottle let a brotha know september 10th is only days away.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

days 4-6

have been a sober blur. went to two bars, had sober band practice, played in costa mesa sober, and am now going to a family party where i will be bombarded by questions regarding my new ankle accessory. wish i could be buzzed for this one.
updates later, not in the mood.

old shit i know, i'm usually 2 years behind on the trends...
The Truth About SCRAM

Lindsay Lohan wearing a large ankle alcohol monitoring bracelet in Beverly Hills as she heads to her hairdresser July 17, 2007.
Madison/! - The Truth About SCRAM ShareThisLindsay Lohan proudly wore her post-rehab accessory, a SCRAM alcohol monitoring ankle bracelet, as a sober statement to the world that she had changed. Turns out, that announcement may have been a bit premature.
"Throughout this period, I have received timely and accurate reports from the testing companies," Lohan's lawyer, Blair Berk, said in a statement after her client was arrested Tuesday morning for DUI, possession of cocaine and driving with a suspended license. "Unfortunately, late yesterday I was informed that Lindsay had relapsed. The bracelet has now been removed."

So what is this SCRAM - Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor - ankle bracelet, and how does it work? answers your burning questions!

How does the SCRAM collect information?
The ankle bracelet checks the sweat of its wearer for alcohol once an hour, and stores the data. The ankle bracelet is assigned an external modem, and the wearer arranges to be within 30 feet of the modem once a day to transmit the information to a monitoring company. If the wearer misses the daily check in, tries to tamper with the device by cutting it off or drinks alcohol, a "violation" is issued, and her probation officer (if SCRAM was mandated by court), or lawyer would learn when they receive their daily report from the monitoring company.

Could the bracelet have stopped her from drinking?
There are no sirens or whistles. If the bracelet detects alcohol, it automatically starts checking sweat every 30 minutes instead of every hour to make sure it has a more complete data set for the judge, and tries to find its home modem to transmit the data as its happening.

Could Lohan have just been wearing the bracelet for show, and not have it hooked up?
"That's not possible," says Kathleen Brown, spokesperson for Alcohol Monitoring Systems, which manufactures SCRAM. "The service provider installs the bracelet, and would never install a bracelet that was just for show. The bracelets are always monitored."

Lohan was arrested with cocaine in her possession. Would the SCRAM have alerted monitors if she was taking drugs?
No, Brown tells Us the SCRAM tests only for alcohol consumption, not for use of narcotics or other illegal substances.

Why would anyone wear one of these bracelets voluntarily?
"Brownie points," says DUI lawyer Darren Kavinoky. "[It's] the best way she can prove she is trying to change. The court doesn't have to take her word for it. They have scientific proof." Of course, now that circumstances have changed, Lohan and her attorneys are under no obligation to share the updates with the court, Kavinoky tells Us.

ankle bracelet,Lindsay Lohanankle bracelet,Lindsay Lohanankle bracelet,Lindsay Lohan

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

day three

well it's my third day, lastnight i hung out with the gang at polo's playhouse not too bad, i was tempted to drink the jim beam out of costumbre but i didn't, i got out of work then headed down to hang with the guys. they were fairly buzzed if not drunk. polo and alex took shots for me even though polo was going to bed at the end of the night. we talked about the dangers of me being around and the possibilities of getting booze poured right on my ankle where the bracelette is on. it's never happend to polo and it's happend to alex once (the beer getting on left ankle) we then had talks of building a pool (which i can't swim in till september 11th, due to my device not being able to be submerged under water.) we might do a fundraiser show for polo's public pool place. we then took some funny pictures of polo pouring jim on me (he was scared to pour the high life 40oz. on me cause it had some still in it and a possibility of spilling) i was very tempted to drink but will stay on the path, with a little help from my friends. Alex was so used to passing the bottle to the left, usually to me. he had to stop himself a couple of times. he said i shouldn't wear huaraches: mexican sandals cause i might spill some on my foot or kick a can of beer or somethin. we hung out some more frank and david ended up leavin after a while of franks slurring and hitting his hand on a chair then pouring whiskey to cure the pain, i told frank to be careful and not to drink and drive (just so's i'm not a hipocryte) but he went on, to each is own! be careful ese. we hung out some more shot the shit, then took the final shot before heading out (i put my hand on polo's shoulder as he drank the jim) he served as the vessel. we were gonna go to sam's but no money, plus sam's sucks when sober, you kind of realize how grimmy the place and the men and women are in there but when you're drunk it all gets masked at the hof brau. so alex and myself walked to his house to watch public enemies, we wanted to go out but freddie was drinkin already with his dad and moks, he'd rather not drink infront of me so we agreed to hang out tonight. i want to put myself in situations where i may be tempted to drink ain't nothing better than saying no when you have a reason for it, other than that i'll try anything twice (almost anything). hung out, i had some cranberry juice and alex had a wine cooler, wishing he'd brought the remainder or that beam bottle polo had said for him to take and finish up. this will take some gettin used to but oh well we only have 57 more days!
then i'll have a big party on September 11th to celebrate.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

i fucked up i know, but how funny is this?

this is one joke one big absurd joke. as i was getting the monitoring bracelette "installed" to my ankle without being asked if it was too tight i couldn't help but laugh, laugh at my rumbling stomach, the little office sweet in building 5150 on pch in long beach, to the lady showing me the instructional video on a cheap little portable dvd player. this was all a joke an easy way out 60 days of not drinking, swimming or submerging my foot in water (be it the beach or a tub of the finest ale's boston has to offer) this was all a joke. the day went on, i went to work had a laugh at this device on my ankle and did floor fill, had lunch thought about havin a beer during lunch but remembered not to do such things. i came home and still this was all a joke. you break the law and as punishment we will put this device on you and monitor you all day everyday. just like we did it to you in the 1st grade when you sat in the principals office writting standards all day while the other kids went on the feild trip. "make sure you write in the margians bobby" "here maybe if i fold all the papers it'll suit you better." all one big fucking joke, the idea of this, the idea of the punishment, to the bruise on my ankle was all one big joke, the laws and whoever the fuck makes, writes, enforces, breaks and follows these rules, rules are meant to be broken i know, but here's the thing the joke is on me. the bruise, the lack of comfort this little accessory is providing, the self conciousness (not that i really care but who doesn't just a little?) to the slight vibrating it makes every thirthy minutes, the little orange light on the modem which doesn't tell me if it's working or not due to the instructions only mentioning green and red lights not just the orange one! truley the joke is on me for getting into this situation and having to go through all of this, not once but twice. learn your lesson kid and as this bracelette get's heavier on your ankle and even more absurd as you think about it this too will pass.
jokes on you bobby!

Monday, July 13, 2009

today is the day

well, i'm off to get that alcohol monitoring bracelette installed (as if it's a damn car stereo) i can't take baths or go swimming i need to check into a modem at the end of each day and it'll be taking readings from me every 30 minutes. that's all i know so far, when i get back you'll know what i know...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

my scram device goes on July 13th.


Monday, July 6, 2009

60 days of sobriety

so i got into some trouble leaving the echo one night during my community college spring break and got a second dui. I was in jail for 8 days (twin towers) i felt like miklo. My lawyer got me a deal which is to wear an alcohol monitoring bracelette (S.C.R.A.M. Device) for 60 days rather than do more time at the towers, not to say i didn't meet some good people but i'de rather stay outta there so for 60 days this here alcoholic will have to be sober. this will document some of that, pretty boring if you think about it but we'll have a weekly variety show posted up with bands, interviews and what not in my room. So stay tuned and hopefully more people other than myself and el esteeb read this.

* we tried to film my last night of drinking (for a webisode?) but we ended up finishing that Jim Beam, Dos X, and that vodka. I passed out then woke up, got really rowdy and pissed on Freddie's carpet, i don't remember getting home but apparently i was yelling at steve to get the "fuck outta here!" so uhh, yeah we got drunk and only filmed the first swigs of booze then just had a gay old time.